Farmingdale United Methodist Church

Welcome to
Farmingdale United Methodist Church
We're so glad you stopped by to view our website, and we warmly welcome you!
Whether you're looking for a new church home or just looking for a great church to visit, you are always invited to join our Sunday worship service at 9:30 AM in-person or online.
We look forward to seeing you!
To preview our weekly worship service,
click bulletins here
We invite you to help our ministries.
Visit our Tithe.ly page to donate online.

“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” ~Romans 15:7
Sharing God’s unconditional love by serving our neighbors, Connecting with all God’s children in Christian fellowship and Providing safe spaces for everyone to grow in faith and love.
Sunday - 9:30 AM
The United Methodist Church is a global denomination that opens hearts, opens minds and opens doors through active engagement with our world. The mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Phone: (516) 694-3424
Email: office@farmingdaleumc.org
Address: 407 Main Street
Farmingdale, NY 11735
Church Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
We are a Christian family with an open heart, and a welcoming spirit that affirms everyone.
Our mission is simply to share God’s unconditional love by serving our neighbors and connecting with all God’s children in Christian fellowship. Our love for God is above everything because God’s overflowing love transforms and renews our everyday lives.
We invite you to join us to serve God, share God’s love, and strengthen one another in our faith journey.
This site provides an entry point into several avenues where you will find opportunities to nourish your soul and quench your spiritual thirst.
I look forward to connecting with you personally and serving God and our community together.
Grace and Peace,
Rev. Dr. Claire Wu
Who We Are
We're like other churches but different! When you join us for worship you can expect a blend of traditional & liturgical elements with reverence, warmth, variety, and a family-friendly atmosphere.
We get to know each other
A very important central part of our service is the welcoming of new visitors and first time worshipers along with sharing of our joys and concerns. It is a way for people to connect through prayer and makes our time together more personal than other churches.
We have fun
Not only do we sing a variety of Christian hymns during worship service, but we participate in multiple fun events and volunteering outside of regular worship hours.